PATRICK LE QUÉMENT – Design Innovation for Human Solutions
Changing the mindset is at the heart of Patrick le Quément’s conference titled « Design Innovation for Human Solutions ». It will cover how a life long experience in design and a passion for education, led to his cofounding The Sustainable Design School in the south of France. The school believes that the role of design is to build a better future.
SEBASTIAN CONRAN – The Imagination Algorithm
KUN-PYO LEE – Designer’s Mindset for Design 3.0: Big, Deep, Open
Within the relatively short history of design we have had some lessons learned on how designers cope with new paradigms, and once again, with a new paradigm upon us, all design related stakeholders need to revisit these lessons for opening the next chapter of design’s evolution. The new design paradigm brings lots of new possibilities, but at the same time poses a critical risk of making existing disciplines obsolete. However, the obsolescence of some old design practices is unavoidable and we need to actively explore new design methods and processes rather than trying to stick to outdated ones. The past paradigm of the locomotive and the steam engine had made the design by craftsmen obsolete (Design 0.0) but opened up new types of design: design by drawing (design 1.0). Likewise computers in the 80s information age have displaced analog drawing processes with digital ones, giving rise to new types of interaction design that put users center-stage (design 2.0). Once again, we are now facing big waves of entirely new design problems, which we have never been asked to solve before, and new technologies, which we have never experienced before. Artifacts are quickly getting intelligent enough to generate their own designs, the amount of data accumulated through sensors, IoT, SNS and so forth reaches intimidating heights, and the growing ecosystem of online crowds is increasingly requiring the system to open up. These unprecedented waves are rapidly driving the loss of innocence, and as Christopher Alexander cried out loud, “the loss demands attention not denial”.